Organic Speech Therapy
Talkative Babies:
4-week live virtual program for parents of babies birth- 1 year old (or expecting parents!)
to get a head start building a solid language foundation for their baby so they start
communicating and hit language milestones on track! Learn all the easy to use
strategies that will help your baby talk on time. This program runs monthly.20% off when
you mention Nannies Who Care.
Parent’s Guide to Talkative Toddlers:
Personalized Speech Therapy Program for toddlers 1-3 years old who have not yet
started talking on time or are having difficulty communicating their wants and needs.
This research-based program supports parents in helping their toddler start
communicating through strategies that are personalized for their family and schedule.
10% off paid in full package
Articulation Therapy:
In person or virtual Speech Therapy for remediation of speech sound production
difficulties impacting speech intelligibility (if a child’s speech is difficult to understand).
10% off evaluation