Sarasota Babysitter Services You Can Trust

Childcare SarasotaMany Sarasota babysitter services charge their clients a substantial hourly rate and pay their workers a low wage. At Nannies Who Care our professional nannies receive 100% of the hourly rate listed below, which reflects the average wage for professional nannies in this area. Our nannies are well compensated which enables us to attract the best and most qualified nannies.

Beware of limited background checks done by online babysitter services, especially those that say they do it for a “minimal” fee. These checks are simply computer name search database checks and not as thorough as our check. Also, no one ever meets these individuals and checks their ID. How do you know they are the person that is checked out? Also, their legal status is not checked and you could be hiring an illegal alien! If you choose to go this route, be thorough, ask questions and check ID!

As a parent we pose these questions for you when you are looking for somebody to trust caring for your children:

Do you feel comfortable with somebody caring for your children being paid $8-9/hr when the average rate a babysitter charges is $11/hr and up?

This is what sitting services pay their workers while charging you $15/hr plus transportation charges. We use only professional nannies. Most of your fee goes to the nanny to ensure the very best nannies.

Do you feel comfortable with somebody caring for your children with a limited background check done?

Ask them to be specific on exactly what items they check. Do they check other states criminal records if the babysitter lived there? We do! We also check drivers record, social security #, babysitter references and personal references in writing, and have personal interviews with the nanny as well as ensuring that they have CPR training

Some examples of Sitting Service:

Going to a hockey or football game
Evening out to dinner or some other special event
Going out of town on business
Weekend vacation

All nannies will care for your children at your hotel or home. With your permission, the nanny can take your children to the entertainment centers, the park, swimming pool or other places by car.

[ms_button style=”normal” link=”/account-registration-login/” size=”medium” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]SCHEDULE NOW[/ms_button]

[ms_button style=”normal” link=”/full-service-on-call-nanny/” size=”medium” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]REGISTER FOR PREFERRED RATES[/ms_button]

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[ms_accordion style=”boxed” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”About Our Nannies” color=”#f70099″ background_color=”#eeeeee” close_icon=”fa-plus-circle” open_icon=”fa-minus-circle” status=”open”]We use only nannies who have an extensive background with children. All of our nannies have passed the following criteria:

  • Verify eligibility to work in US* Complete background check*
  • Extensive criminal check (includes other states)*
  • Federal criminal check Drivers record check National Sex Offender Registry Search*
  • Social Security number verification* Previous Address verification*
  • Extensive nanny application
  • Babysitter references checked
  • Personal references checked
  • Interview with Nannies Who Care, Inc.
  • All nannies are CPR trained

All parents will have peace of mind knowing that we specialize in in-home babysitting. Our reputation is based on this.

These nannies are available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

*Our Criminal SuperSearch is a nationwide search of criminal records, including the District of Columbia. Each Criminal SuperSearch report contains a wealth of information, including felony and misdemeanor records, sex-offender records, inmate records, and arrest information. With over 3,100 counties nationwide, there is not one database available containing all the criminal information. Based on the social security number validation/7-10 year address history, we will be able to detect counties of prior residence for your applicants. If any of these counties are not currently up-to-date in our Criminal SuperSearch, our system will notify you and we will send a court runner to the county to make sure all possible records are uncovered. Intellicorp is a member of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.[/ms_accordion_item]

[ms_accordion style=”boxed” type=”1″ class=”” id=””] [ms_accordion_item title=”Rates” color=”#f70099″ background_color=”#eeeeee” close_icon=”fa-plus-circle” open_icon=”fa-minus-circle” status=”closed”]
Our nannies receive the entire amount of the hourly charge listed below. This is also the going rate of Professional nannies in this area. This is also why we attract the very best selection of nannies because they know they are compensated properly for their profession.

What does the Nanny Charge?

child $13/hr
children $14/hr
children $15/hr
children $16/hr
There is an additional charge of $2/hr more for children other than siblings. Also, twins require an additional $2/hr more. Holiday rates are at time and a half.

What does Nannies Who Care, Inc. charge?
Although rates are subject to change, the following are fees paid to the agency for “On Call” services.
$35 per day per visit which is due at the time of booking. If you would like a split shift, then the agency fee is $35 per shift. If you use a Nanny often you may be interested in becoming a Registered Client to take advantage of our Preferred rates. Click here for more information

Nannies Who Care is happy to fill last minute requests whenever possible. A Last minute request is a request that is within 24 hours of the nanny’s arrival. There is an additional $10 charge for last minute requests and an additional $10 charge for holiday request. There is a cancellation fee of $50 if cancelled within 24 hours of scheduled start time.[/ms_accordion_item] [/ms_accordion]

[ms_button style=”normal” link=”/account-registration-login/” size=”medium” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]SCHEDULE NOW[/ms_button]

[ms_button style=”normal” link=”/full-service-on-call-nanny/” size=”medium” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]REGISTER FOR PREFERRED RATES[/ms_button]

[ms_button style=”normal” link=”/full-service-nanny-placement/” size=”medium” shape=”” shadow=”no” block=”no” target=”_self” gradient=”no” color=”” text_color=”#ffffff” icon=”” icon_animation_type=”” border_width=”0″ class=”” id=””]FIND A PERMANENT NANNY[/ms_button]